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Fish Tales Studio
Contents & Services设计理念
founded in 创立于2010

Fish Tales Studio 创立于2010年.理念目标是提供高素质的婚礼动画于客户. 每部婚礼动画需2至4个月或3至6个月完成,因为每一部动画几乎是重新制作人物,服装,故事场景与剧情,此严谨的制作工程需要较长的时限来完成一部精致的动画。


  • 独特的人物与服装设计:每套动画的人物与服装都是为客户独立制作.
  • 丰富表情:每个动画人物的表情绝不是由几个刻板表情‘一镜到底’,FTS一套动画由15到30套‘表情动画组成’
  • 着重客户的故事完整性:台词,卡通人物,场景依照你的真实故事,
  • 客服的专业度:客服人员本身拥有多年的设计+动画师经验,可以准确地提供你任何动画的询问与要求。
  • 客户满意度:由初稿素描到制作为动画期间,你可以检视与更改,最后产品将是依照你所要求而完成.

FTS was founded at  2010.We based in Singapore and Johor Bahru (Malaysia) provide Wedding Animation services with a primary focus on  High quality Wedding Animation . 

Each Wedding Animation clip need around 2 to 4 months or 3 to 6 months to complete due to most of the design are customize.

5 Reasons to choose FTS Wedding Animation

  • Unique Character & Dress code design  Each animation project base on client requirement.
  • Multiple Character Facial Expression  Combine from 15 to 30 sets of 'Animated facial sets' instead of market  animated by '3 to  6 Animated facial sets'.
  • Story Script / Character/ Dialogue are Based on your true story  specifically hand drawn digitally to create your unique story. 
  • Professional Customer Service  FTS Customer Service Officer have numerous years background on animation, she can provide  professional advise on every  enquiry for  your animation project.
  • Client Satisfaction FTS brainstorms every love story script by email client a set of  story board to review . You will have a clear vision of your movie clips before it make into animation.
We explore new idea , new technologies to enhance our animation quality & We love to share our new project idea with our client.
High Quality are always the Core Values to Designer Team .
Designated Cartoon Logos, Cartoon Mascots, Cartoon Characters, Music, Video and Cartoon Illustrations displayed on the site are copyrighted by their respective owners and 
may not be copied or used without express, written permission from the copyright & trademark owners.

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Spore:+65 9114 5321 
Msia:+6012 704 5321 
Skype Name:weiling_admin_fishtales_studio