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Spore:+65 91145321(click below for live chat)

Msia:+6012 7045321 (click below for live chat)

please info us your wedding date ,We will reply you within 1-2 days.
Wedding Cartoon Singapore & Malaysia

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code: 5A 
length: 5 mins 
voice over: yes
subtitles: Eng & CHN
code: 6A 
length: 5 mins 
voice over: none
subtitles: Eng 
code: 7A 
length: 5 mins 
voice over: none
subtitles: Eng & CHN

code: 8A 
length: 5 mins 
voice over: none
subtitles: Eng 

code: 9A 
length: 3 mins 
voice over: none
subtitles: Eng 

code: 10A 
length: 3 mins 
voice over: none
subtitles: Eng & CHN 

code: 11A 
length: 5 mins 
voice over: yes
subtitles: Eng & CHN 

code: 12A 
length: 5 mins 
voice over: yes
subtitles: Eng & CHN 

code: CO1
length: 3 mins 
voice over: none
subtitles: Eng  

code: CO2
length: 5 mins 
voice over: yes
subtitles: Eng  

Early Bird  Price Rate* Special Discount Price!
Entitled for 4 months or 6 months before wedding date confirm order client.

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Enquiry info: (Whatsapp)
Spore:+65 9114 5321 
Msia:+6012 704 5321 
code: 117a
length: 5 mins 
voice over: yes
subtitles: Eng  

code: 111a
length: 5 mins 
voice over: yes
subtitles: Eng  

In order to maintain our animation quality, this package only provide 20 slots per year.
code: 20203
length: 4 mins 
voice over: yes
subtitles: Eng 
code: 20204
length:4 mins 
voice over: none
subtitles: Eng 
code: 20201
length: 3 mins 
voice over: NONE
subtitles: Eng  

code: 20202
length: 4 mins 
voice over: yes
subtitles: Eng  

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